03 Oct 19

Changes to new member application procedure, approved as from 3 Oct 19

All persons wishing to join ndsme will now join as a Prospective Member for their first year at the fees specified.

Because the ndsme is a limited company it chooses to exercise discretion as to who is admitted to be a full member of the company.  Each new applicant joins first as a prospective member and after a minimum of 12 months satisfactory membership then the applicant may be considered for full member status.

During the prospective membership period, the applicant may take a full part in society activities and will be under ndsme insurance policies to so do.  They may also receive by email a prospective members ebulletin from time to time.  As a prospective member there is no entitlement to attend and vote at the company AGM or to stand for/be appointed to any formal position.  This will be awarded with full membership after a satisfactory prospective membership period.

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