There are occasions when  loco owners, who are not ndsme members, may wish to run their locos on our track. This may follow an invitation from a member or by direct application.

In all cases visiting locos need to be pre-approved by the Committee.Please make contact via the Visiting Locos option on the contact form on this website. Approval must be given before the visit takes place.
If the invitation is at the behest of a member or members then they need to follow a procedure.
Two members at least must be in attendance one of whom should be a competent driver at Eaton Park.
At the time of application to visit,  evidence of Public Liability insurance cover, (normally a certificate from the owner’s home club)  and, for steam locomotives a current boiler certificate need to be provided. The ndsme members concerned with the visit need to be familiar with opening and closing  the track,placing signs,loading and unloading,inspection of the loco for rail worthiness and must ensure that a spark arrester is fitted to steam locomotives.
The visitor will be under the supervision of the ndsme members and must be signed in in the visitors book whilst (as normal) the NDSME members will also sign in.