Download a Prospective Membership application and Prospective Membership Renewal form by clicking here.  Note this is a three page form.

Please note this form is for PROSPECTIVE  members and also for “associates” wishing to apply for or renew a prospective membership.  Renewing full members please use the renewal form in the members area.

If you are a interested in model engineering or operating public miniature railways we invite you to join us as a prospective member. Prospective membership is open to all  aged over 18 years and there is also a Junior category for those under 18.  Please note, however, that  applicants under the age of 16 will require supervision by a parent, guardian or other adult who is also a  member of the society aged 18 or over.  Membership costs £25 per annum for those aged 19 and over, £15 for those aged 75 plus.

The Society exists for the encouragement of model engineering and allied interests, and also to operate the society’s public miniature railways at Eaton Park. To further these objectives, the Society endeavors to foster a spirit of cooperation, goodwill and an exchange of views and information amongst its members. The society has a clubhouse and workshop at Eaton Park, Norwich and meets there on Tuesdays, some  Saturdays and on Sundays.

All persons wishing to join ndsme will first join as a Prospective Member for a minimum of twelve months,  at the fees specified.

Because the ndsme is a limited company it chooses to exercise discretion as to who is admitted to be a full member of the company.  Each new applicant joins first as a prospective member and after a minimum of 12 months satisfactory prospective membership then the applicant may, at the discretion of the directors and subject to age, be considered for full member status.  Please note that the ndsme directors may cancel a prospective membership at any time during such prospective membership period and in which case the fee paid is refundable in full.  If a prospective member has completed less than twelve months membership at the renewal date of 1 April then they should renew their prospective membership using the form referred to above.  NB Former “associates” are also regarded as a new applicant and should apply as a prospective member. 

Once an application form has been submitted in the approved manner, the application will be discussed at the next Directors meeting and, if appropriate, will be accepted.  These meetings are usually monthly.

During the prospective membership period, the applicant may take a full part in society activities and will be under ndsme insurance policies to so do.  They may also receive by email a prospective members ebulletin from time to time.  As a prospective member there is no entitlement to vote at the company AGM or to stand for/be appointed to any formal position.  These rights will be awarded with full membership after a satisfactory prospective membership period.

Occasional meetings are held on the first Wednesday of each month,currently at the URC building in Ipswich Road. .`These meetings take various forms, such as talks or lectures by members or visiting speakers, practical demonstrations, occasional film or slide shows, etc. Other activities, such as visits or coach trips to exhibitions are arranged from time to time.  Please note that any society event may be changed, modified or cancelled in therr light of any current Covid Regulations, or other national or local regulations.

An e-bulletin giving notice of forthcoming events, and also reports of society activities, is circulated approximately quarterly.   All members are invited to contribute to the bulletin. 

When you have joined, you will also be able to gain access to the members area of  this website.  To do so, you should email your membership details to [email protected] and you will, after verification, receive login details.

The subscription to the society is currently £25.00, renewable annually on the 1st April. Those whose initial application is made after the 1st January will not be required to pay a further subscription until the following year.

The society tracks in Eaton Park provide a 955ft raised circuit in 3.5” and 5” gauge, and also a 1550ft ground level circuit in 5” and 7.25” gauge. Public services are operated on  Sundays and Bank Holiday Monday afternoons for most of the year

For the protection of the members, the society is organised as a Company Limited by Guarantee and, in accordance with the Memorandum of Association, in the event of the Company being wound up each member would be liable to a sum not exceeding £1, should liabilities exceed assets.

Download a prospective membership application form by clicking herePlease note this form is for prospective new members (including former “associates”) or current prospective members who are renewing as prospectives.  Renewing full members please use the renewal form in the members area.

Please complete  the form and  send to the  address specified on the form.  This is important as if this is not done, your membership may be delayed. Once received, your application will be considered by the society commmittee and when approved you will recieve confirmation of prospective member status.