
With the advent of BST, public train times will change to 1100-1600 from Sunday 30th March. 

These times will be reviewed when BST ends in October


We have had a number of renewal payments made but with no renewal form. 

Please note that submission of a completed form is required to complete the renewal process.

With no form, membership will lapse.



Scene at the park

Work continues on laying 7.25″track into road 2 for further storage.

Messrs  Mann, King and Sayer are seen here laying concrete.



Please note that any visiting engines must bring relevant certification




When unlocking the sliding gate please note that only the yellow padlock applies to us.  The unmarked padlock is the contractors lock and should not be used.  Do not input our code into the contractors lock – it won’t work!



Some action from the park today.

The Warship under repair. (above)

The reworked diamond is reinstated





Some pics from last Saturdays members day



(1) Would Sunday operating members please note that the diamond crossing has been temporarily rermoved for modifications

The four points that access this diamond have all been locked out of use so there shouldn’t be any “little  accidents”!

(2) To minimise waste, this year membership cards will be available only by (1) enclosing a sae with returned form, or, (2) requesting a card in person by adding your name to the list on the back of one of the clubhouse doors.



Saturday 25th Jan is a members day.  The ground level track is open to members who may wish to run their engines free from the constraints of a Sunday. .  The Feldbahn loco will be available for tuition after if has been certified in the morning.  Any visiting locos must provide certification.  Hot drinks, etc, available from the tea shack



Full members should look out for an important email regarding a possible purchase

Please respond within seven days





A message from the Directors (Committee)

The situation concerning spark arresters for ground level steam locomotives requires clarification and this message to all Members has been approved by the Committee.
All ground level track locomotives must be fitted with an effective spark arrester at all times and, for avoidance of doubt, this includes members’ days and any private running.
Any steam loco not fitted with a spark arrester is deemed to be a failure and must be taken out of service.
The Stationmaster’s responsibilities include examination of all steam locomotives to verify that a suitable spark arrester is fitted. Their decision, on the day, shall be final. (the Stationmaster may delegate this duty).
For testing purposes only, a loco may be run without a spark arrester on a limited basis.


A message from the Directors (Committee)

Private Locomotives at Eaton Park
Anyone wishing to bring a loco on a Sunday when Public Running is scheduled  will be expected to carry passengers. Other than for testing or training no private running on a Sunday is permitted.
In order to ensure adequate provision of, and avoidance of too many locomotives on a Sunday, all owners wishing to participate should contact the Stationmaster Mr Cook beforehand, either directly or via the stationmaster option on the website contact page, stating their availability and preferences.



A  date for your diary

The society BBQ will be on Wednesday July 9th



It is with considerable sadness that the society learns of the passing of senior member Brian Reading just after Christmas.  Brian was President of the Seven and a Quarter Inch Gauge  Society , author of a number of books on railway themes and had been a ndsme member since 1958.  Further details will be announced as they become known


The poor forecast means that we will not be running trains on Sun 5th Jan.

Consequently, the final Tunnel of Lights will be on Sun 12th Jan.



A few pics from the final public services of 2024


22 DEC 24

Please note that any electric locos used in public service MUST be fitted with a positive action deadmans device.  This is one that requires the operator to, eg, continually depress a button, lever or treadle.

A wrist loop alone does not comply with our requirements.



The container keys are STILL missing.  We are currently using the only set of duplicates.  For the meantime, when anybody unlocks the container the keys MUST be retuned to the key safe straight away.  If these go missing we will be unable to open the container.



Some pics from another record breaking day

For much of the day the queue stretched back to the raised track gate.

Inside the gazebos just before opening

The Snack Shack crew.

Some of the goodies on offer.

Feldbahn earning its keep, driven by MalcolmWade

Hundreds of happy visitors today!

The society thanks all the volunteers who participated, and especially the catering staff, namely

 Mr A Fordham, Mrs Moore,  Mrs Fordham, Ms Karim, Mrs Hendrick and Mrs Cook.

All photos by Mr M Fordham



New Years Day – Traditional Steam-Up for members
Jan 1st is designated as a private members day at Eaton Park.
It’s an opportunity to bring your models along for a thrash
around the track.  Traction engines too.


Featuring the society locomotive Feldbahn
Tuition will be available for those interested.
The Snack Shack will also be open for refreshments etc.



The container keys are missing. 

Would you all please check your pockets if you have visited EP in the last fortnight or so,



Due to the poor forecast, we won’t be running any trains on Sunday 8th December



The missing 5″ rail on the chord between the 2nd and 3rd points in the field was replaced by Pete King and team today.

This 5″ section is now passable again.

Meanwhile, Steve Battle, Philip & Maureen Moore and Mike Fordham attended a reception

at City Hall where the met up with the Mayor and enjoyed tea and biscuits before presenting a cheque

to the Civic Fund which this year benefits the Benjamin Fooundation





Coming up…Saturday 23 NovemberGround Level private members day. 

An opportunity to experiment with society locos without the constraints of public trains. 

We hope to have Feldbahn tasters too. 

Featuring The Snack Shack. 

1030-mid afternoon.



Members of the Tuesday team laying 7.25 track in road no. 2 of the underfloor storage.

Brian Jacobs shows off his Northern Soul moves.

The Sea Captain having his boat fixed!



Coming up – Sat 09 November – General members day (including raised track)  1030 – dusk



There is an email consultation underway. 

Would members please check their email (inc. spam or junk) for an important message



Todays Halloween specials were a huge success, resulting in one of our busiest days in ten years!

Huge thanks to the Norfolk Ghostbusters who attended with their car (5litre V8!)

Mike Riches, emerging unscathed from the scary tunnel!

Big thanks are  due to organisers Steve Adams and Lynsey Cooper, who did all

the prep and marketing for this day, and also to all the members who came along to

make it happen.



At the ground level members day today, Philip Moore took the Feldbahn round for five measured laps, with a simulated load, averaging 7mins each time, with no failures.  This is what will be expected of drivers using this on Sundays for public service.



Coming up…Saturday 26th OctoberGround Level private members day. 

An opportunity to experiment with society locos without the constraints of public trains. 

We hope to have a steamer too. 

Featuring Philips Snack Shack. 

1030-late afternoon.



We won’t be running trains on Sunday 20th, due to the poor forecast. 

Back next week with halloween themed trains  if all is well.



Coming up on the 26th of this month is the second ground level track day for members. 

There will be club and private locos to train on and hopefully Feldbahn tasters too.

Snacks and tea by Philip…



The next raised track private members day will be on Saturday 5th October, from 1000.   

Any 5″ or 3.5″ locos are welcome and there will be society engines to drive too.

Please note that the raised track day  will probably change to the second Saturday of the month from November. (tbc)



There should be at least one steamer at the members day on Saturday 28th, and possibly two, that members may be able to have a supervised drive on, plus electrics.  Couple up with carriages and simulate a loaded train, free from the constraints of a Sunday.

Owners of visiting locos will be asked for proof of certification and/or 3rd party insurance, as appropriate so please bring these.



Coming up on Sat 28th Sept – a 7.25″ private members day. 

An opportunity to drive club locos (or your own) around the full lenth of the ground level track, free from the constraints of Sunday operations.

From 1030



When putting stock away in the underfloor storage, don’t do this with the blue rope please

Someone now has to crawl in and retrieve the rope and our knees hurt!

Instead, do this with the rope

Attach the end to the gate like this – easy to retrieve with no swearing involved!

Thank you for your co-operation.



There is a selection of photos in the gallery of the 65th Anniv  Day (15th Sept),  taken by Mike Fordham. 

Thanks are expressed to all members who took part.



Are you bringing a Mamod for display on Sunday 15th Sept?  We would love to see these working but please note that the only permissable fuels for these are now methylated spirits and gel fuel.  Mamod solid fuels, or other solid fuels, should not be used under any circumstances.



It is with great sadness that the society has learned of the passing of pre-war member Ken Bye, at the age of 99. 

An obit will follow in due course.



1) As you will probably know, Mamod ceased production this year.  Commemorate the world of Mamod by bringing your model and displaying it on Sunday 15th Sept.  Table-top or trundle around, bring them.

2) The first ground level private members Saturday is planned for the 28th September.  It’s an opportunity to practice/learn/drive your loco without the constrictions of public trains.  Maybe an opportunity to learn the Feldbahn too.



Some of our members go to great lengths to dress the part on public days.

Step forward Steve Adams and Brian Parker.  Excellent effort.

All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players.

They have their exits and their entrances;

And one man in his time plays many parts.

Shakespeare, As You Like It



For the 65th anniversary day on Sunday 15th Sept, the raised track will be opened specially  to members to run their engines privately.  The public will be catered for on the ground level by a unique push-pull service provided by Mike Riches two industrial locos  .There will also be a display of models, headed by Robert Bailey’s remarkable collection.  We’re seeking models of all kinds to exhibit to demonstrate model making at its finest, so what have you got to bring along?  To paraphrase a famous American, “Ask not what your club can do for you – ask what you can do for your club”



The programme of summer holiday pop-ups has just ended. 

Thanks are due to all the ndsme members who came along and put smiles on a lot of visitors faces!

This year we managed to run five out of a possible six so well done all!



Note to all drivers

A driver departing from the station should only do so after either,

1)   observing a green flag or lamp displayed by the guard, or

2)    the dispatcher, stationmaster or platform assistant verifies verbally that the guard has displayed a green flag or lamp.

Departing upon hearing a whistle only is NOT permissible.



Ndsme is pleased to announce that a member has agreed to assume the post of Treasurer and the handover to him will begin in October. This has been agreed by the Committee.



Just as the raised track now has a successful members only day on the first Saturday of every month, it has been suggested that we run a similar Saturday for ground level members who might like to run engines  in private.  The first of these could be in September.  Watch this space.



Most of the rolling stock now has coupling pins attached to chains.

This is to stop members taking them away.

When uncoupling vehicles, put the pin back in the hole like this,

Last week, persons unknown couldn’t be bothered and left the pins to dangle,

with the result that two pins were caught between the wheel and frame and damaged

So, when uncoupling stock, replace the pin back in the hole. 

If you aren’t sure how to do this – ASK!



Four new whiteboard pens were bought last week

Already two are missing.

Anybody know anything about this?



Please note that due to heat damage, 5″ locos must not use the chord between the second and third points in the field.  This will be rectified when resources allow.



From the Archive

It’s August 2015 and this is one of the first summer holiday pop-ups, at that time run exclusively within the field

Previous to this time, any operations outside the formal operating season Sundays  had been prohibited by the committee.  This was liberalised (as an unnecessary restriction) by the then Allgood committee in 2015. Although less frequent now, we still run the occasional summer hol pop-up and the public are delighted that we do.



Fridge in clubhouse.

Please note that this contains members personal drinks.  Therefore, please do not remove any cold drinks that you have not placed there yourself.

Remember tea is available in plentiful quantities from the new tea shack.




Road Closure.

Please note that South Park Ave will be closed (again!) at the junction with the ring road from 22 July to 26 July 2024 (but may continue
until 06 September 2024)



At their most recent directors (committee) meeting, the following points were reiterated regarding public operations

1) Any train or light engine passing through the tunnel during hours of public operation (currently 1100-1530) MUST be in possession of the token.  Consequently, “staff and ticket” is not permitted.

During times of “one engine in steam” during public hours, the token should be kept with the train until such time as another train mey require it.

2)  During public operating hours, all trains MUST carry a guard or a second person to act as guard.  This includes light engines.



Please note that the 65th anniversary special day, originally planned for the14th July, has been deferred until later in the season.



Maxitrak Owners Club

will be visiting ndsme on Saturday 6th July.  Members are invited to come along

and meet the Maxitrakers and see what they bring.



Would interested members please note that the Feldbahn loco is currently withdrawn from service for maintenance and modifications.



Nice to see Ivan with his new loco at the park today



There’s just over three weeks to go till the ndsme members BBQ on Weds 17 July, to which all members are invited.  If you have any particular diet requirements, please contact Philip Moore or email the Society Secrertary via the contact form on the ndsme website. 

Catering will be by Richard Plus One with cold drinks at Phil’s Bar and tea also available.



News from the Feldbahn Group


The first training session took place recently.

Brian Jacobs and  Mike Fordham have passed as competent to operate the locomotive for non-public use.

Malc Wade and Steve Adams have passed as competent to use the locomotive for any purpose, having previously passed driver competence assessments

Another training session will be arranged soon.  Keep an eye out for emails inviting interest, or contact

[email protected]



Three pics from the last ever Hemsby Week

Brian Sayers Cl66 loco

Mike Riches, here demonstrating why yellow hi-vis is ineffective

against certain foliage backgrounds and why orange is used on railways.


Charlie Riches at speed



Some pics from the first Feldbahn training session, conducted by Brian Baker and Chris Shingles.

If you would like to learn to operate this loco, contact Brian Baker or

Chris Shingles  for news of the next training session.



The submitted names for the Feldbahn have been whittled down to four.  Please check your emails and vote on your preferences.

Please remember to include your second and third preferences



Passenger guards are reminded that

The primary responsibilities of the guard are to ensure the safety of the passengers and to protect the rear of the train

In particular, page 13 para.(d) of the ndsme Rules states that

In all cases when a train is stopped  [unexpectedly] away from the station the guard must protect the rear oe train by walking back a minimum of 15 yards and displaying a red flag [or other red signal] to the driver of ther following train….This procedure MUST be repeated by the guard of the following train.

Only when the following train is at a standstill may the guard…assist the driver.

The rules are available for inspection in the clubhouse



We are considering renaming the new Feldbahn loco and are looking for suggestions. 

Please check your emails if you’d like to contribute.



Another record breaker today, this time by member Brian Parker, who drove his loco continuously in public service  for four and a quarter hours, covering 26 laps, a distance of some 13 miles.  His loco, as usual, performed flawelessly.



News from the park

Our resident topiarist working on a project in the former tennis courts.


The Feldbahn loco now boasts a British style buffer beam. 

Whilst this does lessen somewhat the continental appearance of the loco,

it does provide valuable protection to front of the engine.


Ideal weather conditions are drawing large numbers to our Sunday

public trains.  Here, Glen Rowan takes a full load for a circuit.




If you haven’t yet renewed, you have just eight days to do so.  On the 1st May, any unrenewed will be removed from the membership database and they will need to apply as probationary members should they decide to rejoin at a later date.



A final reminder has been sent to the few members who have not yet renewed.  If there is no response received, they will cease to be members on the 30th of April.  Please check your spam or junk folders just in case.



Feldbahn fun

Brian and Mike learning the loco.

If you are interested  in learning to drive this loco, contact 

feldbahnusergroup at ndsme dot org




Please note that there is currently a fault with the members area.  This has been reported to the dev for investigation.RESOLVED

The new membership year has started.  Those that have not renewed will have a period of grace until the end of this month.  After that their membership will cease and any unrenewed will be required to reapply to join as new probationary members.  To maintain your existing membership status, please renew asap.



Gudbye T’Tod.

After eight faultless years of service, Tod the Tug has left Eaton Park for good.  This loco has performed faultlessly  since new in 2016 and has enabled ndsme to provide public service when no others were available.  The society could really do with a loco of this calibre, simple to drive, powerful, popular with the public, easy on/off, no electronics/batteries to malfunction and no need for a drivers trailer.

Some of you will recall Tod pulling seven fully laden passenger cars at a BBQ a few years back, a tribute to the makers skills.



Dates for your Diary

Special days 2024

Mon 6th May EACH 100% day

Mon 27th May Friends of Eaton Park fundraiser day

Mon 26th Aug Lord Mayor’s Fund 1000% day


In addition, there will be some Saturday Specials.

BR Blue Day

Priscilla Bacon Lodge Day

N&N Neurosciences Unit Day

These are awaiting confirmation of dates





A reminder to drivers

There is a red dot stop board at the field exit. 

It is mandatory to come to a dead stop, whistle and then proceed at 1mph

This photo shows why.

This procedure was confirmed at a Board meeting on 3rd July 2019



Maxitrak Owners Club visit to EP is confirmed as Saturday 6th July



The date for the ndsme summer BBQ is fixed for Weds 17th July.


Dates for your diary

This year we celebrate 65 years of railways in Eaton Park.  In 1959 the original raised track opened to members, and later the public.   Whole generations of local residents have grown up with this, and the later ground level, railway. 

We are planning activities for the weekend of 13/14July.  On Saturday the 13th, we invite private locos from outside the society to come along and use our extensive track.  This will be a private session, not carrying the general public.

On Sunday the 14th we plan another dual track day, replicating what we did in 2019 for the 60th. This is an opportunity for members to bring their 5” locos and pull the public, just like the pioneers of 65 years ago.   There will in addition be a display of model engineering for the public.  We also hope to have some of our members traction engines in steam too.

Good times lie ahead.

25FEB 24

This loco, Sophie B, constructed by Peter King, has just completed 1000 miles since new in 2018.  That’s Norwich to Vienna miles!

Well done!



At the Forum Science Week

By 10am the display was ready

Robert Bailey’s small stationary engineswere as popular as ever.

As was Brian Sayer’s Gauge 1 display.

If these four can’t sort it, nobody can!

Thanks are due to all the members who came along to spend time behind the tables.  Especial thanks to Philip Moore and Brian Sayer who organised, and to Jim McDonell who transported everything to and from.


The meths burner for the Sterling engine has gone missing.  If anybody knows where this is please contact Philip Moore.  This is needed for the Forum next Monday.



Shredder activities continued with Brian Jacob’s shredder, more suited to light foliage.  Here, Brian has the required number of observers.

Meanwhile, Philip Moore was applying preservative undercoat to the new footboards for the passenger stock


Today a team, directed by Brian Sayer, used a hired chipper to dispose of large amounts of waste foliage and branches at the site.  The task went well and everybody came away with their limbs intact!  Thanks are due to  The Two Barrys, P King, B Jacobs, A Mann,  C Shingles et al.



The Tuesday Gang have today installed a new device to drain the pit when it floods.

Under this plate is a sump into which water will drain and be removed with a pop-in bilge pump.

A team comprising Brian Sayer, Peter King and Richard Spalding carried out the work. 

Brian Parker provided the inspiration for this work.



Expressions of interest are now being sought from members who wish to become trainee drivers of the Feldbahn (Stafford) loco.  Check you email for this message with instructions as to how to apply.



Two of the team clearing foliage away from the raised track. 

Thanks to all who attended on Tuesday, this job is now complete.



Tuesday 9th Jan  will be a special hedgetrimming session for the Tuesday Gang.  If you have shears, trimmers or pruners, please bring them along and take part.  Brian Sayer is organising this so please coordinate with him.



Just a reminder that the Science Festival at the Forum is happening during the February half-term.  Ndsme will have a display on Monday 19th and we are looking for both volunteers to help and also exhibits (working or static).  If you can help please contact Philip Moore.



Some pics from the members day today.

With lush foliage and people on the tennis courts, this could be any summer day but it is in fact Jan 1st 2024.  Chris Shingles with the Feldbahn.

The Yarhams with their recently completed Imp.

Brian Jacobs takes Pete Kings Romulus for a trip.

Simon Reed testing out the late Malcolm Pertitt’s Titan loco.

Peter Willis learning the intricacies of the Feldbahn.  A different firing terchnique is required for this loco.

All in all, a successful New Years Day session.  Thanks due to Ann and Mike Fordham for organising the catering.



A scene from the New Years Eve pop-up.  The token has just been deposited on the post as the train passes.  But there is something else interesting here.  Sitting on this train is the grandson, and family, of Driver Ben Gimbert GC, who with Fireman Nightall GC Posth, were heroes of the Soham explosives train incident in 1944.



After two consecutive Sunday washouts, December 17th proved to be our busiest day of the year.  Thanks are due to all the members who came along to make it happen.  Special thanks to Pete King and Brian Parker who brought their locos long distances to take part, to Mike Fordham for the idea and to Steve Adams for an effective publicity campaign on local and digital media.


Tuesday 19th is the final Tuesday gang before the Christmas hols.  This day will feature a special hedgetrimming session.  If you have shears, trimmers or pruners, please bring them along and take part.  Brian Sayer is organising this so please report to him.


Didn’t we have a lovely time...

…the day we tried out Richard W’s new 3-seat driving truck.



This Feldbahn loco, delivered yesterday, replaces the Stafford which was deemed unaffordable.  Brian Baker will be forming a team to operate and maintain this loco.  Look out for invitations to be considered for the Feldbahn Group.  In the meantime the loco is not to be steamed and may only be displayed cold.


It was mentioned at the recent AGM that males had been seen using the ladies restroom at Eaton Park.  We would ask that this practice ceases and males use the correct facility at all times.


Coming up on Jan 1st is the traditional New Years Day members private steam-up.  From 1030.

Not just steam though, electrics also.


Andrew Pettitt has informed us that the funeral service for his father, Malcolm, will take place at St Faiths Crematorium on Friday 1st December at 13:30 at St Faiths crematorium.  This will be followed by a wake at the Bure Valley Railway station in Aylsham. Andy Barnes (BVR) has offered to show interested parties around the shed. Although there are no public services that day, one loco will be steaming up for an evening charter, so there will be something to look at.

Members are invited to attend to commemorate his life.

Malcolm is also commemorated here


where you may also leave any messages of sympathy



It is with great sadness that the society has learned of the passing of member Malcolm Pettitt.  Although Malcolm had only joined in November 2021 he became a friend to all who met him and he will be very much missed.  An obit will be published in due course.  We will notify of any arrangements when they are made known.



Progress on the new storage building.

The final new model point lever, number 17, has now been completed.

The moving frogs have been removed and modified to make them permanently fixed.

It has been tested in both directions using 5” and 7.25” passenger trucks.



We’ve not seen queues this long for a few years.  This was the Halloween Scream Day.  At one point the queue was close to the level crossing! 

When there’s something strange in your neighbourhood, who you gonna call?

Norfolk Ghostbusters who came along to entertain!

Big thanks to members Steve Adams and Lynsey Cooper who organised this highly successful (until the rain came!) day.


The insidious effect of hard water in boilers.

An mug full of tap water was boiled away in a saucepan and compared with a mugful of rainwater

No prizes for guessing which is which, but imagine what hundreds of litres of tapwater do to your boiler during a Sunday session.

The society is seriously investigating a soft water supply for locos.



Recent pics from the park

Senior Gardener Richard Crook

Richards Spalding cutting something…

Raised track action with Adrian Mann and Brian Jacobs

Brian Jacobs welding a r/t bridge

Chris Shingles and Brian Sayer with the A3.  What could possibly go wrong?



At the training session today.  Brian Sayer is shown the controls of a narrow gauge steamer.

He then took if for successful trips arouind the circuit.

Another similar session is planned for November 4th.



Philip Moore and Mike Fordham attended the Lord Mayor in his parlour today and presented a cheque to the Civic Charity.  This was money raised on August Bank Holiday Monday and will go to Norfolk Community Foundation.

This is well-known local wit and raconteur Brian Sayer who has just installed a new post. 

Brian is available for radio/TV/caberet and other public performances.  Book him via his agent!

What could possibly go wrong…


This is the point lever outside the double gates.  Note that during public hours it needs

to be padlocked.  This is to prevent members of the public “accidentally” changing the

point while trains are running.



The formal “running season” has ended  and we now run public trains on a pop-up basis.  The emphasis has changed, from members being expected to attend if they can, to members coming along if they want to,

If you would like to to be involved in this activity you should get yourself on the pop-up mailing list.  To do this, make contact with the society via the contact page on the website and select the option for Eaton Park Miniature Railway.  You will then receive a weekly emailing detailing what is happening.



A number of members have been asking after Robert.  We have heard from him and the good news is that his surgery was successful and he is out of hospital and recuperating.  However, he doesn’t expect to be mobile for at least a month.



A quiet moment from the last day of the formal season featuring the Cl.37 driven by Richard Wells.

We now revert to pop-up mode, i.e. subject to sufficient volunteers and the weather. 

Counter-intuitively, January to March is now more popular with park visitors than the summer  months and contributes a sizeable chunk to society income




Repairs to aged chain link fencing by Brian Jacobs and Philip Moore


There will be a large amount of coal being delivered at 0930 Tuesday 19th.  Help needed to unload and stack please.


Science Week at The Forum 2024

ndsme will be attending this on Monday 19th Feb 2024.  We invite any members that have working models, suitable for table-top display, to consider entering them for this event.  Volunteers will also be needed to transport, set-up, staff and tear down .Contact philip Moore.



Some action from the park today.

Progress on the raised track…

Left – strip lights are being installed in the loco storage are

Right – The turntable refurb is finished.  Brian Jacobs is about to levitate off…

Meanwhile, Pete King and Brian Sayer were checking their credit scores with Clearscore.com!



Three pairs of ndsme  ticket nippers have gone missing at EP.  A member has also lost his own personal nippers.  Would the Sunday participants keep an eye out for these please…



Members learning about the A3 in a group headed by Chris Shingles and Barry Fane

Members later took a trip around the circuit.  A second such day is planned for Autumn.


An important email consultation is underway. 

Please check your inbox (or spam folder).

You are asked to respond by end of Tuesday 29th August.

Your prompt reply would be appreciated.



From the archive – a look back at our recent past through old posters.











Featuring Philip Moore and a now departed Clayton in 2011, Brian Baker and his GER tank,

Bill Rout and the Cl.42,  Mike Riches and the two Sentinels in 2014, Richard Wells on the raised

track, Pete King and Elidir in 2019, Ian Carter and the Cl.42  also in 2019, unknown and a Cl.66 in 2014 and,

lastly, Richard Wells with his 5″ Cl.66 in 2018.




Junior members aged under 16 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. 

They must not be left in the care of an unrelated member.


The A3 undergoing steam cleaning by custodian Chris Shingles


On Saturday 19th August, we ran trains for Great Ormond St Hospital.

Here’s just a few of our members who were involved…

Thanks are due to all the members who came and helped , including steam drivers Brian and Peter who both travelled long distances for this.




Reminder – 1

This gate is to be kept closed when stock movements are taking place or when trains are running.  This is to prevent any “little accidents” between trains and vehicles. If, as an essential vehicle, you pass through this gate, re-close it afterwards.  Do NOT hook it up against the wall.  Only essential vehicles should park in the area behind the clubhouse.  This space is to be kept clear of non-essential cars and vans for two principle reasons

1) To allow vehicles with trailers to manoevre easily

2) To keep a clear line of sight between the station and trains on the curve to the tunnel

An essential vehicle is one carrying a loco, with or without a trailer.  For general parking please use the main parking area.


Reminder – 2

When opening the tunnel, be sure to remove this component from the ground

If this is not done it will collide with axleboxes and may cause damage.  If, when riding on a vehicle, you notice a distinct knock at either end of the tunnel you should report this to the station immediately – it may be that this component has not been removed.



Richard Wells’ new Cl.37 in use on Sunday 6th August.  A fine heavy duty loco.



Please note that due to a perfect storm of confounding variables, the BR Blue Day has been cancelled.



Regarding the proposed trip to the Midland Exhibition there have been 13 seats requested so far, therefore a sixteen seater coach has been decided upon  leaving a further three seats available for purchase.
The costings have been reviewed and a decision has been made that the cost to travellers will be £25.00 per person for the coach. Barry Fane will be pleased to receive  payment, in full, for the reserved seats without delay and will be at the park on Tuesday 8th August for this purpose.



Two views of a mystery loco that visited Ep for trials today.

Can you guess what it is?



NDSME in the community

Today we ran a pop-up to benefit Colman Schools, one of the four schools we support.

This was a first revenue earning day for Richard Wells new Cl.37. 

Trains ran from the pop-up station in the former heather beds.

Thanks are due to the small number of volunteers who came along to support this.



NDSME in the community.

Today we entertained a group organised by Friends of Eaton Park.  These children from a local school had been undertaking projects in the park.

(Photos by Stuart Beard Photography )




The loco lift is fit for use again after a minor defect was corrected.

The long awaited Cl.37 arrived today and may be in service on Sunday.



The loco lift has developed a fault and should not be used until it has been repaired.



Today we hosted members of the Maxitrak Owners Club

including this 5″ model of an 1898 Hunslet 18″ gauge 0-4-0WT

The original is preserved in Bradford Industrial Museum.


Some pics from the BBQ



A email consultation is currently underway.

Please respond by ranking the three options 1,2 or 3, ie your first, second and third choice.



NDSME in the Community – A local Beaver troop were in EP today and as part of their activities visited our railway. 

Above , Pete King is showing the beavers how a steam engine works.  They were quite fascinated, as were the adults. 

Robert Bailey put on a display of his stationary  engines. 

Thanks to everybody who took part



A reminder that all steam locomotives must have a spark arrester fitted.

In their June meeting of 2019, the directors of ndsme determined that

“all steam locomotives, both ground level and raised track, must be fitted with suitable spark arresters.”

This applies to both public and private operations at Eaton Park. 



On Thursday 29th June we are hosting a party of Beavers.  Pete King has offered to bring his engine for this and also to give some informal tuition to any members that are interested.  This will be from approx mid afternoon until sometime around 6:15pm.  If you’re interested, contact Pete to let him know you’d like to take part.



1) Just a reminder that all  steam locomotives intending to haul the public must have evidence of boiler certification when asked for by the duty officer (stationmaster).  It is the driver/owner’s responsibility to provide this when asked.

2) The society is considering a coach to the Midlands Exhibition.  Check your email and respond if you are interested.



Coming in August…


Just under three weeks to the ndsme summer members BBQ.  We need insulated bags or containers to keep drinks and food cool.  If you have any you can lend to us can you bring them along on a Tuesday or Sunday. 

The weekend after the BBQ we entertain the Maxitrak Owners Club on Sat 08 July.  Do come along and meet them.

In August, two dates are now confirmed, BR Blue Day on Sat 05 August and Great Ormond St Hospital benefit pop-up on Sat 19 August.



Some recent action from the park.

Philip up a ladder adding gutter brushes at Parkside.

Four members stare into the turntable pit.  Brian, meanwhile, is pointing at something!.

Pete King installing New Model point levers at the signal box.

Footways taking shape on the turntable.

And, from the recent Hemsby Week, two of our younger members, Oscar and Charles drive Pete King’s Romulus



Qualifying members will have been sent an email consultation document. 

Please check your inbox for this.  Consultation closes in seven days time.



Three of the New Model point levers were installed by Peter King Today.  They are a great improvement over what was there before.

New style signage is gradually appearing.  Of all metal construction and permanantly installed, these should prove more durable that their wooden presecessors.

Not seen very often, Mike Fordham tries out the A3



Maxitrak Owners Club have confirmed a visit to Eaton Park on Saturday 8th July 2023.

Further details to be confirmed.



This is the gatepost, seen being fabricated on 25APR23, finally being installed at the gate. 

Thanks are due to Messrs Jacobs and Hendrick who spent most of the day on this.

A brace will be installed later.


Fire in the Hole!  The A3 under test.
Chris Shingles testing the A3

Monday 1st was the EACH day. 

Here Pete King takes a train round for a photo-op.

Mike Fordham collecting fares

Busy scene at Parkside.

The society raised £381 for EACH, despite the mediocre weather!



Estates Officer Philip Moore is organising a replacement post for the sliding gate, the old post being near point of failure.

Here Brian Jacobs is fabricating the new post.


A reminder that on Mayday Bank Holiday we will be running trains to benefit EACH. 

We expect two steamers and a diesel or two for this day.

Members are invited to come along and take part, or just observe the proceedings.


A batch of New Model point lever mechanisms under construction

by member Pater King.



Our accessible carriage No7 carried its first guide dog last Sunday.

The completed accessible exit being tested by the Reeds.  Verdict – all fit for purpose!

Now this is a mystery!  A strange apparition captured on film in the new workshop extension.

Better call Mulder & Scully.  Or Ghostbusters!



Some recent action at the park

Messrs Henderick and Jacobs working on the workshop extension.

Improving the exit gate area.  Barry Futter laying slabs.

Nice new red discs on the gates, fixed by Steve Battle




We were visited today by Henry’s Adventures.  Henry is a prolific youtube videographer, visiting locations all over Europe, and filmed us for a future episode in the series Miniature Railway Britain which will air in around a fortnight.  Keep an eye out for this.  His channel can be found at   https://www.youtube.com/@HenrysAdventures/videos



Two shots from the pop-up action of 19MAR23. 

Above, Driver McDonell receives the green light from Guard Moore, under the supervision of Dispatcher Battle

Below, Driver Riches with a trainload of visitors in a parkscape devoid of foliage.


Regular maintenance continues too, during the pop-up season. 

Here, Brian Sayer services a bogie from one of the passenger cars



The 2022-23 membership year is drawing to a close.  To remain a member of ndsme, please renew before the end of the month. A renewal has been sent out by email.   A small number of members may find this, and other communications from ndsme, has ended up in spam so please check there.  If you are a regular at the park you may also obtain a hard copy from the clubhouse.

Ndsme has received an invite from the Brundall & Acle Lions  to attend their summer fair on Sunday July 16th.  This is an opportunity for members to show off their items of model engineering and also to promote the society.  If anybody is interested please contact Philip Moore.



A message from the membership team.

Where a sae is not supplied with your renewal your card may be collected from EP on a Tuesday or Sunday after midday.



New member Nina Baisley is seen here operating ticket sales inder the tuition of Brian Sayer at a recent pop-up.  Ms Baisley picked this up very quickly and can now staff the position solo.

Now, a question,

Does anybody know who made/makes these pressed steel chairs? 

Email via the contact page if you have any info on their makers.



Progress on the raised track. 

Here Chris Poore continues with sleeper renewal.


A timer now limits charge to loco batteries.  Take care not to disturb tjhis when removing locos



ndsme announces the following special charity days for 2023

Monday 1st May – 100% day for EACH

Monday 28th August – 100% day for the Lord Mayors Charity.

Other days will be announced when details are known.



Ndsme at the Forum Science Week.  Philip Moore organised a team to take part in this.  Many interesting conversations were had and once again we were lucky to have Ivan Watts delightful showmans engine.

Other exhibits included 5″ and 3.5″ locos



The section of track mentioned below has now been realigned back to its original position of 2011.  Here the railhead is being ground to profile where it has been welded.  The result is that long wheelbase locos should now be able to pass over this section with no trouble



This section of track is to be slewed back to its original 2010 alignment. 

This should remove the problem being caused to long wheelbase locos.  Preparation work by Oscar Battle.


Harrogate trip – closing date for bookings is Saturday 11th Feb.  Don’t leave it too late!



Harrogate Trip

Please note that there will be a cut-off date for booking in early Feb.  By this time, any intending visitors must have completed the booking process specified by Barry Fane in the posting of 7th Jan (below).


Since  2021, the society has been running highly successful pop-up public services during the months of October to March. If you would perhaps like take part, you are invited  to join the pop-up mailing list.   Please contact the society secretary via the contact form on the website.  You will then recieve weekly emails on the subject.  (If you already receive these you need take no action.)




Due to the poor uptake in the past and the fiasco of the last trip the booking arrangements have been amended for the next outing.

The initial requirement will be for a sixteen passenger coach driven by one of our members and booking will require a deposit of £10.00 with an overall cost of £25.00 to be paid when the booking is confirmed.

If the 16 seats are oversubscribed a waiting list will be started and if the list gets anywhere sufficient a larger coach may be considered.

If the sixteen seats are filled but the waiting list is insufficient to require a larger vehicle then the deposits will be refunded to those on the waiting list.

If you wish to travel, please  pay Barry Fane your deposit, cash on Tuesday or cheque made out to NDSME by mail (preferred), without delay.

Also please provide a stamped addressed envelope to cater for any refund.




A very busy pop-up today

Today was the busiest day since Sept 2014!

Brian Parker awaits departure with one of many full trains today.




The A3 came out for a test steam today.  Chris Shingles has made splendid progress with the regulator mechanism and looks pleased with the result.



Coming up on Sunday Jan 1st is the return of the traditional New Years Day Steam-up.  It’s also for electric and other forms of traction too.  A chance for suitable new members to maybe take a society loco around the circuit under supervision.  BF will also be organising soup for everyone too.  1000 onwards.



Progress on the workshop extension

Richard Henderick installing the roof support beam.

A prototype New Model point lever assembly is now undergoing practical trials.

It is situated here.  If anybody has any comments or suggestions on this new style lever please contact Peter King (email is in the Special Notices section of the members area)



The sub-zero temperatures mean that ice is forming on hard surfaces at the site. 

Philip Moore has delivered two bags of brown rock salt for de-icing.  Use them – dont take a risk!

Temperatures are not expected to return to normal much before the end of the month.



Philips team have repaired the fence that was destroyed by intruders last year. 

This will once again  prevent people from taking short cuts by jumping over the raised track.



The first Christmassy Trains day was busy, thanks to the good weather.

Tunnel of Lights popular, as it was last year.









Full trains most of the day



The last lighting net for the tunnel being prepared by Brian, Philip, Barry and Peter.

The finished result, ready for Sunday



Mike Riches loco Tod, away for rebuild, returned to EP today in its new form, wider, longer and with other modifications

before, 2019

now – 2022



Anybody know anything about this?



Member Peter King is creating a prototype for new point lever mechanisms.  The existing levers throw at 90 degrees to the track.  The New Model Point Lever will, in prototypical style, throw parallell to the rails.  Astonishingly, there are now 17 points, many of which do not have levers , and there will be two more required for the new g/l storage tracks.  Once the prototype is tested and approved, the society  will have the required number laser cut and a small select team will assemble them.



Science Week at the Forum.

On Monday 13th Feb 2023, the society will have a stand at the Engineering Day during the Science Week.  Needed are exhibits, transport and members to help staff the stand during the day.  If you can help, contact Philip Moore.  Don’t leave it to The Few as happened with the recent Lowestoft Exhibition!




In the tunnel, a team of Brian Sayer, Philip Moore, Brian Jacobs and Barry Futter have been  installing supports for Christmas lights, prior to the Christmassy Trains in December.  These new plastic arches replace the former wooden wedges, which were not really satisfactory.  The Tunnel of Lights will run through December into early January.  This was hugely successful last year and we hope to make the tunnel even more colourful this year, generating significant funds for ndsme and the charities we support.



Guards on trains at EP – the rules

During private member time

Light engines on the circuit are not required to carry a guard EXCEPT when

(a) The driver is a junior member that requires supervision by a  full member, OR,

(b) when a train is carrying any non-members (including family)

In these two conditions a guard MUST be carried.


During hours when the railway is open to the public,

A guard MUST be carried on all trains.  A light engine is regarded as a train.

Permission to light run must be sought from the stationmaster or signalman, as appropriate

Junior members requiring supervision are not permitted to drive light engines.



Activity on the raised track.  Here, Mike Fordham, Barry Futter and Chris Poore continue replacing wooden sleepers with plastic

Up to date info is now available to park users via QR code.  Not for dogs though, they don;t have thumbs



Please note that the deadline for nominations and resolutions for the AGM has now passed and any received after this date will be regarded as invalid.  Those already recieved will form part of the AGM.



ndsme in the community

Today we entertained a party from Clare School who were learning about evacuation of children during WW2.

(Photo credit Clare School)

The students all had a great time, with lunch “out in the countryside” with Spam sandwiches and ginger beer!

It was a pleasure to do this for the school.  Thx to all the volunteers involved.



The AGM will be on Saturday 3rd December at the URC.  Members should look out for email or postal communications on this matter. 

If you wish to be considered for any position on the committee please contact the CoSec by Friday 28th October 2022. Your notification needs to comply with new Article 17 (e) which states as follows [   ].
[ The application shall include  a letter signed by two proposers of the candidate and a statement from the candidate explaining why they wish to stand for election, details of what benefit they can bring to the company, particular skills or experience that they have  and an approximation of how much time they are able to devote to the duties and responsibilities.]
If you wish to propose any members’ resolution please submit by Friday 28th October 2022. A proposal needs to be supported by 10% of the voting membership ( this is currently 8 members). The wording of the resolution should be clear and unambiguous.



On Sunday 16th we had a rare visit from the unique 7.25 gauge Duke of Gloucester.

This model, owned by ndsme members, is believed to be the only model of this famous loco in 7.25 gauge.  The level of detail is exquisite!




Peter King is a member of the 7.25 Gauge Soc. and is exhibiting his most recent build on their stand at the Midlands Exhibition


07OCT22 (1)


ndsme members were invited to tea in the  Lord Mayor’s parlour yesterday, where they presented a cheque to Homestart Norfolk, following the charity day for the Lord Mayors Fund on the 29th August. (photo credit Norwich City Council).  Laura Forster, Civic Officer, commented, ” Thank you for … organising the day to raise the funds. The Lord Mayor and the charity very much appreciate everyone’s efforts at the railway.”  (photo credit Norwich City Council).


07OCT22 (2)

Members who bring locos to the park are reminded that, when using the lift,

where either loco or tender do not have handbrake then either
1) vehicle should be chocked  before lifting/lowering, or
2) a second person should be present to assist.



A message from Pete King. 

These levers have not been vandalised but have been angled deliberately to allow for potential wider stock. 

Don’t attempt to bend them back!



A list of charitable donations for 2021-22 is now available in the members area.



The formal public operations season has finished and we now resume the pop-up mode.  This means that the emphasis shifts from members being asked to attend if they can, to members attending if they want to.  For some members this will give a welcome break from trains every Sunday and for others it will mean being able to attend train sessions during the close season when they could not during the summer.  Winners all round really.



Todays action at EP

The main water valve has been repaired, the new brass handle was fabricated by Brian Jacobs…

…and the void was promptly filled and concreted by The Two Brians.

Meanwhile, Chris Poore made adjustments to the raised track to accommodate

the new plastic sleepers.

And at Parkside, Chris Shingles and Mike Fordham wewre reinstalling S&T fixtures.

In Other News

On Monday 26th, ndsme said goodbye to Corby, off to a new home “somewhere in England”.

Although  appearances at EP were uncommon, this loco was alway welcome as a reliable and powerful puller.

The open footplate gave it a distinctive industrial look too.



The society will be holding an EGM on Saturday 01 October at noon.  This will be to approve the updated Articles of Association.  In the interests of covid safety, this EGM will be held outdoors at Eaton Park.  Seating will be limited and allocated on first come, first served basis.



A recent water leak has caused a hole to be dug.

Here, The Two Brians look into it!


The redundant plastic fence from Larch End could be repurposed at Parkside.

Mocked up here, what do people think?


Peter King attended the recent 7.25″ Soc. AGM at Echills Wood.

His photos can be found here



Plastic battens were delivered today for the raised track repairs which Philip Moore is overseeing.

Meanwhile, platform repairs were being undertaken by Peter Davies.




Steam returned to EP today, after an absence of some two months. 

Present were Paul Sherwood’s and Pete King’s locos, seen here towards the end of the day.  Brian Parker also attended for the first half of the session.  A welcome return to normal autumn weather has considerably eased the motive power situation at EP.



Would members please note that the use of steam engines (other than oil or gas fired) is currently prohibited at EP due to the continued enhanced fire risk.  There is only one permissable exception which is that a steam engine may be fired, in the pit only, for boiler testing purposes.

This situation is reviewed weekly.



The chuck guard on the lathe has now been repaired.  Members are reminded that they should use the chuck guard at all times. It is there for users protection. Remember, accidents do not just happen, they are caused!  Please report any defects in safety equipment to Estates Officer Philip Moore.



Peter Davies and Brian Jocobs working on track maintenance during the running season. 

Temperatures are more reasonable now.

Here, they are correcting damage from a contractors grass cutter strike.

The Jim crow in its original form wasn’t going to work so Brian modified it.

Meanwhile, James was testing his new LBSCR E2 loco



The Lord Mayor visited EP for the charity day in support of the Lord Mayor’s Fund

With the Lord Mayor and Consort are, l-r, Richard I, Philip, Tom, Richard IV, Andrew, Malcolm, Steve ,Barry.

Brian Parker brought hs 5″ A4 specially for the day and it ran faultlessly for four hours.

Thanks also due to the Coles, Richard the Gardener and Brian Sayer for providing other traction.



Ben Fraser prepping his 14xx for a boiler test, which it successfully passed.

Boiler tests can be arranged by contacting Barry Fane, Chris Shingles or Brian Baker,



Please note that the lathe is currently out of use pending repair to the chuck guard..

Where a safety defect is found, on any item, please inform the Estates Officer, Philip Moore



We have opted to maintain the moratorium on steam for the 21st August.  We review this on a weekly basis and the time is still not right to resume steam.



One of our current projects is making progress.  Here Philip Moore shows the new (reclaimed) canopy support that has just been installed.  It will replace the one on the far right which will be removed and associated wiring re-routed.  This is to facillitate the realignment of the track from the turntable to the station throat.  The concrete work was done by, inter alia, Brian Jacobs and Richard Crook



A question often asked by new members and prospective applicants is, “Can I run my loco at Eaton Park?”

Well, here are the current regulations

1)  Members may run their locos at Eaton Park on any day as long as there are at least two members present. An under-16 must always be accompanied by an adult

2)  During hours when public trains are running, a second crew member must be carried and the driver must be aged 16 or over.

3  Signage protecting the level crossings must be put out and recovered after cessation.

4) Steam locos must have in-date certification and be fitted with a spark arrestor. 



Although the field has now been cut and all the scorched growth removed, we have opted to maintain the moratorium on steam for the 13th and 14th August.  We review this on a weekly basis and the time is still not right to resume steam.

 We have not run coal fired locos for a month now.  Oil or gas fired locos might be a possibility  for the future, or even a necessity, as these scorching summers become the norm.



This pic shows why we currently have a steam ban in place.

We are reviewing the situation on weekly basis but, looking at

the forecast, it doesn’t look good for the next few weeks.



On Saturday Brian Parker gave us a very interesting talk on the adaptions he has made to his loco.

Who else might like to do similar? Contact Mike Fordham if so.


Head Gardener Richard was, however, equally interested in motor bikes!



Peter Davies renewing track fixings.  Track maintenance takes place every Tuesday throughout the year.   This track was laid in 2015 and secured with 5mm screws.  These are now being replaced with 6mm screws which will be less prone to failure.  In the background is the very useful flatbed wagon, it is far easier to transport large items on this than on wheelbarrows.

New point lock mechanism devised by Pete King. 

Please do not step on this as it is not designed  for carrying weight!



Some pics from the action at EP today, when temperatures were more reasonable

Pete King modifying the turntable

Richard Hendrick works on the PW hut extension

Malcolm Pettitt investigates why the Cl 42 is still not working

Brian Sayer repairs his Cl.66

Chris Shingles works on the A3 while Brian Jacobs poses nearby.

Chris Poore inspects James Horrex’s Thomas



Today saw a welcome return of the Cole’s Class 70 model.  Believed to be around 40 years old, here it poses with what, at first glance is a double stacked container train, but in reality is passenger cars stacked 1 on 1.


Complete with driver!



Please note we are not using steam locos today, due to the fire risk to the park





Due to the predicted high heat today, members attending EP should consider this advice from gov.uk

Why this is important

The heat can affect anyone, but some people run a greater risk of serious harm. Remember to think of those who may be more at risk from the effects of heat – these include the following:

  • older people [ie most of us!”], especially those over 75
  • people with a serious chronic condition, particularly heart, breathing or mobility problems
  • people on certain medications, including those that affect sweating and temperature control (for example, diuretics, antihistamines, beta-blockers and antipsychotics
  • people who are already ill and dehydrated (for example, from gastroenteritis)
  • people who are physically active (for example, manual workers)

What you can do

Stay out of the heat, cool yourself down, keep your environment cool or find somewhere else that is cool.

Avoid being out in the sun during the hottest part of the day (around midday) and plan your day to avoid heavy activity during extreme heat.

Bring everything you will need with you, such as a bottle of water, sun cream and a hat.

If you have to go out in the heat, walk in the shade, apply sunscreen, and wear a hat and light clothing.

Drink plenty of fluids: water, low fat milks and tea and coffee are good options.

Look out for signs of dehydration such as increased thirst, a dry mouth, dark urine, and urinating infrequently or small amounts.

Avoid extreme physical exertion. If you can’t avoid strenuous outdoor activity,, keep it for cooler parts of the day – for example, in the early morning or evening.

If you intend working in the field – don’t go alone!

Heat exhaustion and heatstroke are two potentially serious conditions that can occur if you get too hot:

  • heat exhaustion is where you become very hot and start to lose water or salt from your body. Common symptoms include weakness, feeling faint, headache, muscle cramps, feeling sick, heavy sweating and intense thirst
  • heatstroke is where the body is no longer able to cool itself and a person’s body temperature becomes dangerously high. Heatstroke is less common, but more serious. Untreated symptoms include confusion, seizures and loss of consciousness
  • Severe heat exhaustion or heatstroke requires hospital treatment.
  • Call 999 if you or someone else have signs of heatstroke including:
    • fast breathing or shortness of breath
    • a fit (seizure)
    • loss of consciousness
    • not responsive





Please note that, due to predicted extreme temperatures today, trains will not be running.  Apologies for any disappointment.  We hope to be back on Friday 22nd with trains for Bluebell Primary and Colman PTA.  Normal service should be resumed next Sunday.



Today was BR Blue Day, with all trains pulled by locos in the BR livery of the mid 60s to early 90s. 

We’re thinking of expanding this idea for next year.



This has just been forwarded to the website and may interest those with steam engines and even those who don’t. It is the 2005 IMLEC competition (International Model Locomotive Efficiency Competition). It comes in two parts with the second part showing Pete King competing at about 40 minutes in.


Even in the relentless heat, basic site maintenance continues. 

Brian Jacobs trims the hedges (above)

while Richard Crook deals with all the trimmings (below)


Members of the Narrow Gauge Railway Society who visited Eaton Park this afternoon.

An NGRS special train.

Nelma Karim qualified as a passenger guard today,  Well done her!

In the afternoon, after our guests had departed for Yaxham,

Pete King gave some of the newer members instruction on his engine. 

It augers well for the Stafford project later this year



Paul Sherwoods Iceni makes a welcome return to Eaton Park on the 10th  This powerful loco has just had extensive upgrade work done and we are expecting a good performance.  On Saturday 9th, we welcome visitors from the Narrow Gauge Railway Society, from 1000 to 1300.  Then the day becomes a private members session.



A very successful BBQ took place yesterday, at which Janet Steel dedicated the bench she has provided in commemoration of her late husband and long term member Barry Steel, fondly remembered as a kind and gentle soul who was always willing to help others. 

In this pic, Mrs Steel, her daughter and grand-daughter.

Many thanks are due to The Two Richards, Wells and Hendrick , who cooked the food.  Also thanks to Mrs Moore who organised the provisions, and to Philip who helped eat them, as well as starring as The Pub Landlord.  Delicious cakes were supplied by Mrs Hendrick and also by Ms Karim.

More pics in the gallery



The members BBQ is today.  Weather looks set to be warm and dry. Site opens 1830 for members and their families.  Burgers, hot dogs, drink, the usual goodies, plus trains and cake.  It doesn’t get any better than this!  Forget the pizza zone, enter the burger zone!



Fishplate greasing today.  An important if unexciting task.  Here Peter Davies is slackening fishplates and then using spray grease to lube the fishing surfaces.  This is important because the rails must be able to slide in the plates  when heat lengthens them.




Not seen at EP for a while is Paul Sherwoods Iceni. 

It’s had its tyres reprofiled and was at EP for dual testing, which it passed.

Also enjoying the dog days at EP today was Ben and Bob’s Corby, a powerful and popular engine.



On Saturday 9th July, we are hosting a party from the Narrow Gauge Railway Society.  Members are invited to come and meet them and also to take part in the private members session in the afternoon From 10am



Coming up at Eaton Park…

Sat 2nd July – First Saturday of the month, private members day

Sun 3rd July – public trains

Weds 6th July – society BBQ, from 1830

Saturday 9th July – private members session from 1300

Saturday 16th July – BR Blue pop-up.




One  week to go to the,


at Eaton Park on Weds 6th July.

All members and their families are invited.

Guests from the NRS will be amongst us.

Arrive from 1830.  Food from 1900 by the Two Richards

0% alc. and other soft drinks at Phil’s Bar…and Pimms too!

There may also be trains!

Covered accommodation if showers.



From the park...

The scene in the pit yesterday as various engines receive attention
New locking mechanism under construction for the turntable

Malcolm Pettitt”s 5″ gauge GER T26 2-4-0  No 490.  The original is in the Science Museum collection.

Scamp receives attention to improve performance



Following the Narrow Gauge Rly Soc visit on Sat 9th July, the rest of the day will be taken up with a private members play/training session.



The summer BBQ is just three weeks away.  We need some items to assist the catering/bar team.

If you can spare any of these please bring them to the clubhouse on the Tuesday before

1) cool bags or insulated buckets, to keep drinks and ice chilled on the day

2) a nice pitcher to mix Pimms up in



Works at the park today,

Pete King is working on a new design of locators for the turntable. 

Philip treating woodwork under the supervision of new member Barry Futter

Richard Crook doing his thing with the strimmer.  Things are growing fast now!



A second lightweight battery drill has been burnt out by drilling into concrete, this is beyond the capacity of these drills.  For drilling into concrete please use the SDS drill, which was acquired for just this purpose



Prerparations are at an advanced stage now for the society BBQ on Wednesday 6th July.  This will happen come rain or shine as we have plenty of undercover accommodation available if required..  All members and their nuclear families are invited.



Spotted at EP recently

This is ListerMan. 

A descendent of Ned Kelly. 




Public services this Sunday 12th  will be all electric. 

The following Sunday 19th will be a douible bill fea. Maid Marion and Corby

On Monday 29th August we will hold a train day for the Lord Mayors charity, which this year is Home Start



Please note that the sliding gate requires using with extra care pro tem, as one of the structural members has failed.



Three Class 66s at the members day today.  A fourth joined after this pic was taken.



Good News!  After only three months, Sweet Briar Road is open again.  Journies to EP should be considerably easier now.



This is why…

there is a compulsary STOP at the field exit!


New resident at EP is this AME Class 66


08 May 22

Two members engines enjoying a quiet smoke in the pit today.

A member’s new “Scamp“, a diminutive yet interesting petrol-electric.


05 May 22

Some action from the recent B/Hol Monday,

Brian P pulling a 5-car public train.  His engine just gobbled it up!

DieselMike doing the yearly oil/filter change on his Lister.


03 May 22

Following extensive electrical and mechanical work by Ian Carter and Malcolm Pettitt, the Class 42 is now fit for service again.

Here, Malcolm gives it a test.  (Pic P King)


29 April 22

A Saturday members meeting has been arranged for August.,  See events page for details.


28 April 22

Ndsme is considering laying on a coach to the Midlands Exhibition in October.

If you are interested, please reply to the email you should all have received.

The cost will depend on the numbers travelling.


23 APR 22

Sweet Briar Road remains closed and Anglia Water indicate that it will not reopen until late May.  In the meantime the official diversion has huge tailbacks so it is probably easier to travel via the Inner Ring Road and exit via Unthank Rd or Earlham Rd, both of which will regain the Ring Road near the park.


A reminder that, if anyone in your family feels “under the weather” or “not quite right”, these could be early warnings of a covid infection.  In this case you should NOT attend EP until it is resolved as you risk bringing the virus to EP.   Covid is highly infectious and is likely to transmit from one family member to another easily.  Covid symptoms include,

  • a high temperature or shivering (chills) – a high temperature means you feel hot to touch on your chest or back (you do not need to measure your temperature)
  • a new, continuous cough – this means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours
  • a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste
  • shortness of breath
  • feeling tired or exhausted
  • an aching body
  • a headache
  • a sore throat
  • a blocked or runny nose
  • loss of appetite
  • diarrhoea
  • feeling sick or being sick

If you have COVID-19, you can pass on the virus to other people for up to 10 days from when your infection starts.

You should:

  • try to stay at home and avoid contact with other people for 5 days
  • avoiding meeting people at higher risk from COVID-19 for 10 days, especially if their immune system means they’re at higher risk of serious illness from COVID-19, even if they’ve had a COVID-19 vaccine

This starts from the day after you did the test.


12 APR22

1)…For those trying to view the EPMR facebook page (or any other public page such, as 7.25″ railways), facebook is currently throwing up a log-in wall which means you won’t be able to view unless you have an account.  Whether this is a permanent feature or a temporary glitch remains to be seen. UPDATE 15/4/22 SINCE RESOLVED

2)…The society is actively investigating setting up a dedicated raised track group to oversee the refurbishment.  Those members who expressed interest in this project will be contacted shortly with a view to arranging an initial meeting, possibly on a Tuesday, possibly at the Eaton Park Community Centre.  Once a viable structure is in place then the membership can be consulted for approval for the expenditure.

3)…Public trains running on Easter Sunday and Monday.  Interested members are invited to assist.



The membership renewal cycle is now complete.  Members who have not renewed will be sent one final reminder. 

Membership cards will be retained at EP for those members who did not provide an sae.  These cards will be available for collection on Tuesdays or Sundays.




Membership Renewals

The 2021-22 membership year is drawing to a close.  Over two thirds of members have successfully renewed so far.  In order to retain your member privileges, do please renew by 31st March, after which date your membership will cease



Renewal forms are available in the clubhouse for those that need a hard copy.



At Eaton Park today we...

…took the white fence down at Larch End

to create space for a storage siding…

…and replaced a drive chain on the Class 42…

…the other bogie will also be done




Pics from the DEC Ukraine Appeal benefit day.  Just over £1500 was raised.

One of our busiest days in recent years, with a unique  Hunslet double- header.

More pictures in the Gallery.



Preparatory work for new raised track storage.

Clearing away two years of organic matter

The new covered raised track storage siding will go here.  The white fence will be relocated.



Temporary duckboards installed in the pit pending a more permanent solution to the flooding problem.  These have been made from recycled plastic pallets.



Pete and Jim repairing the turntable

Brian J working on the loco lift wiring, supervised by Philip, Malcolm and Brian S


Two pics from the pop-up action today.  Jim McDonell’s Glen class and Brian Parker’s Maid Marion, pulling busy afternoon trains.  Brian’s loco ran for a full five hours and was still going strong at the close of play!


Pete King and the track team resleepering in the field today. 

This is the last point to be done in the field




The Sweet Briar Rd closure looks like it may be for some time.



21 Feb 22

Raised track  (refurbishment) consultation

If you have a view on this subject then please respond asap.  The consultation closes in a few days.


21 Feb 22


Please note that the ring road is closed between the Dereham Road roundabout and Hellesdon Hall Road.  This is likely to remain closed for up to 14 days.  Diversion in place but expect significant queues at all times during the day


19 Feb 22

Storm Eunice caused some degree of difficulty in Southern England but at EP this was the only thing of note.  We got off lightly!


17 Feb 22

Phil doing some painting during “play hour”.


17 Feb 22

Hello Hello I’m back again!

Excalibur arrives back at EP after a spell at the manufacturers for fitting of upgrades.

Any day now…back in service!  Seen here with the owners.


17 Feb 22

Mystery pair of gloves

Who has left these behind?



16 Feb 22

A new page for latest news from ndsme